Welcome! We are an older bunch with hearing challenges in some cases, so courtesy & attention to the speaker (whether me or a fellow student) is encouraged. You’ll earn a lot from the questions & observations each of us has to offer. We’re about to have a very enjoyable 18 weeks of “recreational ukulele”!!!
Keep each lesson in your binder; it may contain material you’ll use in class. Each lesson page will help you recall what to review and practice. Use the backside to take notes.
This first class I’ll take role, ask where each of you lives so that carpooling or “study buddies” might evolve. I’ll also ask how you learned about the class, and whether you have musical background.
Lesson one will include how to hold the uke and use of Ukulele strap, fingering of chords Am & C, down-strum, down/up strum, (Go slow until you are confident. . .)
From the downloads you made and have brought in your binders, we’ll study Uke Parts & Uke Basics, explore position of wrists, fingers, arms, uke; fingernails & calluses, stretching. We’ll tune our ukes with those clip-on tuners: as temps get colder, humidity changes from wet to dry and back again, heat in your car versus temp in the classroom: these cause ukes to go out of tune. Some uke strings can be in tune until a chord is formed, then not be in tune as finger pressure changes the string tension. You’ll learn what your uke can offer you, what may need fixing.
Songs for today (nothing to copy): Heart & Soul, Unchained Melody, Octopus’ Garden, Monster Mash, Twenty-six Miles, Who Put The Bomp, Stand By Me, Tell Me Why, All I Have To Do Is Dream, Run Around Sue, Blue Moon, Lollipop, Chain Gang, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, Duke of Earl, Every Breath You Take, Let it Be! You’ll learn the chords for 50% of each of these songs! (You’ll learn the other 50% next week. . .)