Newk Lesson #10, Jan 16 ’20

The new chords for you to practice at home:  E7, F7, and D7.  Remember that F7 and D7 are “closed” chord shapes that can be used to make a new, sophisticated chord up the neck.  So, practice sliding them up, see what they sound like.

Today we’ll learn the twin chords of B7 and Em.  Look at the chord chart with the hand on top, and study them. B7 is hand-written in on the right side as a variation. Download Donna Donna to learn these chords.  And, I Can’t Help Falling In Love with You, same deal, the twins.  Also, print Cupid, which will give us Em and D7 work. And, let’s go back to They Call The Wind Mariah, which in an earlier lesson, we substituted C for Em.  Now, we can play it with all the right chords.

For fun, we’ll play around with this chord progression, because it sounds flamenco-y, 8 strums/chord.   We can play it over and over, shortening it to 4 strums/chord, and when we want to finish, strum Em after completing the progression.

Em   B7    Em    B7
Am   Em   C6     B7