Ok. There’s two new chords for today, A7 and A. We have an easy song to learn for A7: Aunt Rhody, please download. You may have sung it as a child. To make up for that, we have a harder song, rhythmically, to learn A: Please download Not Fade Away (oh yeah, Buddy Holly/The Stones!)
Took me most of the day to get the chart right, but i think it is now (??) We’ll play it as simply as possible, and in jam in Jan we’ll get it revved up a bit.
And, please download These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ which has both A and A7, plus Am, all easy, and C, easy-peasy, and D, a good review of that chord. Additionally, we will learn the riff that is the signature sound of this Nancy Sinatra song. Make sure and watch the sexy video that Nancy created for this song, my lordy!